One-Game-A-Day Arcade
by Morgan McGuire at Casual Effects

The 1GAD Arcade resulted from a design and workflow exercise during the One-Game-A-Month game jam. I coded these games in one to two hours each using codeheart.js with art assets primarily by

I followed the design process that I teach for my Creating Games course at Williams College, beginning with a compact design document focused on state (pieces, nouns, variables) and computation (rules, verbs, functions). I wrote my design documents in Markdown at the time, but have since converted them to Markdeep for web viewing. Any of these games would have been good one-person student final projects for the game design course. I'll use these examples in future semesters.

Replicating the essence of these classic games gave me insights into software design for common game mechanics. Working on a tight schedule helped refine my productivity skills.

The games support keyboard, mouse, gamepad, and touch screen input. Chrome has the best gamepad support and graphics performance, but the games should work on all recent browsers. Firefox usually has the worst performance.