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G3D::Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for G3D::Plane, including all inherited members.

center() constG3D::Planeinline
closestPoint(const Point3 &x) constG3D::Planeinline
deserialize(class BinaryInput &b)G3D::Plane
distance(const Vector3 &x) constG3D::Planeinline
fromEquation(float a, float b, float c, float d)G3D::Planestatic
fuzzyContains(const Point3 &point) constG3D::Planeinline
getEquation(Vector3 &normal, double &d) constG3D::Plane
getEquation(Vector3 &normal, float &d) constG3D::Plane
getEquation(double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d) constG3D::Plane
getEquation(float &a, float &b, float &c, float &d) constG3D::Plane
halfSpaceContains(Point3 point) constG3D::Planeinline
halfSpaceContains(const Vector4 &point) constG3D::Planeinline
halfSpaceContainsFinite(const Point3 &point) constG3D::Planeinline
normal() constG3D::Planeinline
Plane(const class Any &a)G3D::Planeexplicit
Plane(const Point3 &point0, const Point3 &point1, const Point3 &point2)G3D::Plane
Plane(Vector4 point0, Vector4 point1, Vector4 point2)G3D::Plane
Plane(const Vector3 &normal, const Point3 &point)G3D::Plane
Plane(class BinaryInput &b)G3D::Plane
serialize(class BinaryOutput &b) constG3D::Plane
toAny() constG3D::Plane
toString() constG3D::Plane

documentation generated on Wed Nov 24 2021 08:01:59 using doxygen 1.8.15