APIs at the top of this page are the highest-level, providing the most functionality but also requiring the most dependencies.
Each section builds on the next lower one, with the most basic standalone routines at the bottom.
You can use any API level independently. For example, interaction prototyping might target the Application Framework for the support of full game engine, while shader tuning might be best done directly on the Graphics API Abstraction layer.
Bold items are the ones used most frequently.
Application | GApp, GApp::Settings,
AR/VR | EmulatedGazeTracker, EmulatedXR, VRApp
3D UI | ControlPointEditor,
FirstPersonManipulator, Manipulator, PhysicsFrameSplineEditor, ThirdPersonManipulator, UprightSplineManipulator, Widget, WidgetManager, GameController
Scene Graph | Camera, Entity, Entity::Track, Light, MarkerEntity, Scene, SceneVisualizationSettings, Skybox, SoundEntity, VisibleEntity, ParticleSystem, XRWidget,
3D Models | ArticulatedModel (see also OBJ MTL and ArticulatedModel::Specification), BSPMap, debugDraw, debugDrawLabel, GFont, HeightfieldModel, Shape (ArrowShape, AxesShape,BoxShape, CylinderShape, CapsuleShape, MeshShape, PlaneShape, RayShape, SphereShape, TriangleShape), FontModel, MD2Model, MD3Model, Model, ParticleSystemModel, PointShape, PointModel, VoxelModel
Visual Effects | AmbientOcclusion, AmbientOcclusionSettings, BilateralFilter, DepthOfField, DepthOfFieldSettings, Film, FilmSettings, GaussianBlur, MotionBlur, MotionBlurSettings, TemporalFilter
2D User Interface | ArticulatedModelSpecificationEditorDialog CallbackWidget, CameraControlWindow,
DeveloperWindow, EventCoordinateMapper, FileDialog, FullScreenWidget, GConsole, GuiContainer, GuiControl, GuiControl::Callback,
GuiCheckBox, GuiButton, GuiDropDownList, GuiFunctionBox, GuiLabel, GuiMenu, GuiNumberBox, GuiPane, GuiRadioButton, GuiTabPane, GuiTheme, GuiScrollPane, GuiSlider, GuiText, GuiTextBox, GuiMultiLineTextBox, GuiTextureBox, GuiWidgetDestructor, GuiWindow, Icon, IconSet, QRcode_encodeString, screenPrintf, SceneEditorWindow, TextureBrowserWindow, VideoRecordDialog |
GLSL Routines | Simple math routines, Polygon clipping, HLSL compatibility, Bicubic filtering, Screen-space ray tracing, Reverse reprojection, Depth buffer, Depth peeling, Octahedral projection, Color gradients, Noise and Hash functions |
API Abstraction | Args, BufferTexture, CPUVertexArray, DepthEncoding, DXCaps, Framebuffer, GLCaps, GLPixelTransferBuffer, Milestone, Profiler, BEGIN_PROFILER_EVENT, END_PROFILER_EVENT, RenderDevice, Texture, AttributeArray, VertexBuffer, Sampler, BindlessTextureHandle, Shader, Shader preprocessor, UniformTable, LAUNCH_SHADER, LAUNCH_SHADER_PTR, G3D_MIN_OPENGL_VERSION
AR/VR | GazeTracker, MonitorXR, OpenVR, XR
Windowing | GEvent, GEventType, GKey, GLFWWindow, JoystickIndex, OSWindow, UserInput
OpenGL-Specific Helpers | debugAssertGLOk, DECLARE_GLFORMATOF, getOpenGLState, glCanBeIndex, glClipToBox, glColor, glDisableAllClipping, glDisableAllTextures, glGetCurrentContext, glGetProcAddress, glGetInteger, glGetBoolean, glGetDouble, glGetFloat, glGetMatrix, glLoadMatrix, glLoadInvMatrix, glMakeCurrent,
glMultInvMatrix, glMultMatrix, glMutliTexCoord, glNormal, glTexCoord, glToScreen, glVertex, sizeOfGlFormat, glIsNormalizedFixedPoint, glFormatOf, GLenumToString |
Audio | AudioChannel, AudioDevice, Sound |
Geometry | AABox, AABox2D (Rect2D), Box, Box2D, Capsule, CompassDelta, CompassDirection, CollisionDetection, Cone, ConvexPolygon, ConvexPolygon2D, ConvexPolyhedron, CoordinateFrame, CFrame (CoordinateFrame), CullFace, Cylinder, FOVDirection, Frustum, float16, Intersect, Line, LineSegment, LineSegment2D, MeshAlg, MeshAlg::Geometry, MeshBuilder, Quat, Pathfinder, PathDirection, PhysicsFrame (PFrame), PhysicsFrameSpline, Plane, Point2, Point2int16, Point2uint16, Point2int32, Point2uint32, Point3, Point3int16, Point3int32, Projection, PrecomputedRay, Ray, RayGridIterator, RealTime, Rect2D, Sphere, Spline, SplineInterpolationMode, SplineExtrapolationMode, Triangle, tesselateComplexPolygon, UprightFrame, UprightSpline, Welder
Linear Algebra | Matrix, Matrix2, Matrix3, Matrix4, Matrix4float64, Matrix3x4, Matrix2x3, Vector2, Vector2int16, Vector2uint16, Vector2unorm16, Vector2int32, Vector2uint32, Vector3, Vector3uint8, Vector3int16, Vector3int32, Vector4, Vector4int8, Vector4int16 Vector4uint16
Radiometry | Biradiance, Biradiance3, Color1, Color1unorm8, Color2unorm8, Color3, Color3unorm8, Color4, Color4unorm8, Energy3, Power, Power3, Radiance, Radiance3, Radiosity, Radiosity3, Irradiance, Irradiance3, Surfel
Integer math | BIN8, BIN11, BIN16, BIN32, ceilPow2, highestBit, iAbs, iCeil, iClamp, iWrap, iFloor, iMax, iMin, int8, in16, int32, int64, isPow2, isOdd, isEven, iSign, iRound, roundStochastically, snorm8, snorm16, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint128, unorm8, unorm16, pow2
Floating point | abs, aCos, aSin, aTan, aTan2, clamp, cyclicCatumullRomSpline, float32, float64, fract, fuzzyEq, fuzzyNe, fuzzyGt, fuzzyGe, fuzzyLt, fuzzyLe, fuzzyEpsilon32, fuzzyEpsilon64, hammersleySequence2D, HaltonSequence, lerp, lerpAngle, linearSpline, log2, sign, rsq, min, max, nextMod3, Noise, Random, PrecomputedRandom, square, squareMagnitude, sinc, sumSquares, distance, toRadians, toDegrees, isNaN, isFinite, inf, nan, wrap, pi, halfPi, rsqrt, smoothstep, smootherstep, signedPow twoPi
String | alphabeticalIgnoringCaseG3DFirstLessThan, beginsWith, buildPrefixTree, endsWith, findSlash, findSlash, format, greatestCommonPrefix isSlash, isWhitespace, isDigit, isNewline, isLetter, isQuote, license, maxNotNPOS, parseCommaSeparated, vformat, wordWrap, stringCompare, stringptrCompare, stringSplit, stringJoin, toUpper, toLower, NEWLINE, String, trimWhitespace, STR
Data structures | Any, AnyTableReader, Array, categorizeByDerivedType, DepthFirstTreeBuilder, FastPointHashGrid, FastPODTable, Grid, isNull, ignoreInt, ignoreFloat, ignoreDouble, ignoreString, KDTree, notNull, PercentageAdapter, PowerOfTwoAdapter, PrefixTree, SquareAdapter, NotAdapter, OrderedTable, PARSE_ANY, Pointer, PointHashGrid, PointKDTree, lazy_ptr, Queue, Set, SmallArray, SmallTable, Table, ThreadsafeQueue, TimeQueue, ReferenceCountedObject, WeakCache
Images and Video | BufferUnmapper, BumpMapPreprocess, CPUPixelTransferBuffer, CubeFace, CubeMap, CubeMapConvention, Image, PixelTransferBuffer, ImageConvert, ImageFormat, Map2D, gaussian1D, VideoInput, VideoOutput, VideoStreamServer, VideoStreamClient, WrapMode
Debug | alwaysAssertM, debugAssert, debugAssertM, describeSystem, isValidHeapPointer, isValidPointer setConsolePrintHook, consolePrintHook, consolePrint, consolePrintf, debugPrintf, logPrintf, Log, setAssertionHook, setFailureHook
Hash Functions | Crypto, MD5Hash, superFastHash, wangHash6432Shift, HashTrait
Utilities and Constants | AlphaFilter, DoNotInitialize, MirrorQuality, PrimitiveType, RefractionHint,
Units | In the units namespace: toSeconds, nanometers, micrometers, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, inches, feet, yards, miles, radians, degrees, nanoseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, years |