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glsl Namespace Reference




class  AlphaFilter_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_AO_pix
Reference implementation of the Scalable Ambient Obscurance (AmbientOcclusion) screen-space ambient obscurance algorithm. More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_AO_vrt
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_blur_pix
7-tap 1D cross-bilateral blur using a packed depth key More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_blur_vrt
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_constants_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_minify_pix
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_minify_vrt
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_packBilateralKey_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_packBilateralKey_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_reconstructCSZ_pix
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_reconstructCSZ_vrt
Open Source under the "BSD" license: More...
class  AmbientOcclusion_sample_glsl
class  ArticulatedModel_blitShader_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  BilateralFilter_apply_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Box_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  BumpMap_glsl
For use with G3D::Shader. More...
class  Camera_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  clip_glsl
SIMD optimized code to clip a triangle or quadrilateral against a plane in GLSL. More...
class  combineColorTexture_pix
A simple shader designed to combine either two textures or a texture and a color using one of a set of operations. More...
class  compatibility_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_computeProbeOffsets_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_copyProbeEdges_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_EncodeDDGIDistance_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_generateRays_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_probeVisualization_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_probeVisualization_vrt
Default shader... More...
class  DDGIVolume_updateProbeFlags_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_updateProbes_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DDGIVolume_writeOnesToProbeBorders_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  default_vrt
Default shader... More...
class  DefaultRenderer_compositeWeightedBlendedOIT_pix
This shader corresponds to listing 2 of: More...
class  DefaultRenderer_deferredShade_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_downsampleNormal_pix
From: McGuire and Mara, A Phenomenological Scattering Model for Order-Independent Transparency, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), Feburary 28, 2016 More...
class  DefaultRenderer_gatherGlossy_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_generateMirrorRays_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_OIT_writePixel_glsl
This shader corresponds to listing 1 of: More...
class  DefaultRenderer_pathTracedIndirect_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_SSRT_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_upsampleOIT_pix
Upsample low-resolution A, B+D^2, and delta buffers to full resolution using joint-bilateral upsampling based on a depth key. More...
class  DefaultRenderer_upsampleReflections_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  deferredHelpers_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  DepthOfField_blur_pix
Computes the near field blur. More...
class  DepthOfField_circleOfConfusion_pix
Stores a signed, scaled circle of confusion radius into the output buffer, reading from a depth buffer or linear camera space Z buffer. More...
class  DepthOfField_composite_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  DepthOfField_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  depthPeel_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  Draw_sphereSection_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Draw_sphereSection_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  Film_bloomExpose_pix
This is the bloom input. More...
class  Film_composite_pix
This is the final compositing pass More...
class  Film_effectsDisabledBlit_pix
Simple guard-band- and invertY- aware blit More...
class  Film_FXAA_13_performance_pix
G3D version of FXAA. More...
class  Film_FXAA_13_quality_pix
This file is loaded at runtime by Film.cpp More...
class  Film_temporalAA_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Film_toneMap_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  Film_wideAA_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Film_zoom_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  FogVolumeSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  FogVolumeSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  g3dmath_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  GaussianBlur_apply_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GaussianMIPFilter_apply_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GaussianMIPFilter_packInput_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GBuffer2_glsl
For use with G3D::Shader. More...
class  GBuffer_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  GFont_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GFont_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  GIMode_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  gradient_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  GuiTextureBox_2D_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GuiTextureBox_Arrows_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  GuiTextureBox_Cubemap_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  GuiTheme_render_pix
Apply a color and texture. More...
class  GuiTheme_render_vrt
Apply texture. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depth_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depth_vrt
Used for depth and wireframe rendering More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depthOnlyNonOpaque_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depthOnlyNonOpaque_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depthPeel_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_depthPeel_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_gbuffer_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_gbuffer_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  HeightfieldModel_Tile_vertex_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  Light_convertToVSM_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Light_glsl
Defines helper functions to calculate the light contribution to a specified point. More...
class  Light_vsmFilter_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  LightingEnvironment_environmentMapUniforms_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  LightingEnvironment_LightUniforms_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  LightingEnvironment_uniforms_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  lightMap_glsl
Include into your shader to access the radiosityNormalMap(lightMap0, lightMap1, lightMap2, lightCoord, tsN) function, which returns a radiance sample from the Radiosity Normal Map specified by the first three parameters. More...
class  MotionBlur_gather_pix
This is designed to read from a G3D-style velocity (optical flow) buffer. More...
class  MotionBlur_gatherLoop_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  MotionBlur_neighborMinMax_pix
Computes the largest-magnitude velocity and lowest speed of any point that could possibly overlap points in the tile with corner at gl_FragCoord.xy * maxBlurRadius. More...
class  MotionBlur_tileMinMax_pix
Computes the largest-magnitude velocity in the tile with corner at gl_FragCoord.xy * maxBlurRadius. More...
class  noise_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  octahedral_glsl
Efficient GPU implementation of the octahedral unit vector encoding from More...
class  our_glsl
Our ray-box intersection More...
class  ParticleSurface_helpers_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_render_geo
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_stochasticDepthOnly_geo
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_stochasticDepthOnly_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_stochasticDepthOnly_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_wireframe_geo
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_wireframe_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  ParticleSurface_wireframe_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_depthOnly_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_depthPeel_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_depthPeel_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_gbuffer_pix
This shader expects a prefix (GBuffer::macros() or SVO::macros()) to be attached at runtime using Shader::setPremable. More...
class  PointSurface_gbuffer_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  PointSurface_vertex_glsl
Abstracts common code in PointSurface_render.vrt and PointSurface_gbuffer.vrt More...
class  PointSurface_vertexHelper_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  reconstructFromDepth_glsl
Routines for reconstructing linear Z, camera-space position, and camera-space face normals from a standard or infinite OpenGL projection matrix from G3D. More...
class  reverseReprojection_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  screenSpaceRayTrace_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  SkyboxSurface_gbuffer_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  SkyboxSurface_gbuffer_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SkyboxSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  SkyboxSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SlowMesh_render_pix
Apply a color and texture. More...
class  SlowMesh_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_allocateNodes_glc
class  SVO_allocateNodesDenseTree_glc
class  SVO_allocateNodesTopMipMap_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_base_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_buildInit_glc
Computes (countBuffer[endIndex] - countBuffer[startIndex]) and then uses that to produce the indirect buffer for dispatch/draw indirect calls. More...
class  SVO_clearTopDenseTree_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_clearTree_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_copyBrickBorder_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_countToIndirectArgument_glc
Computes (countBuffer[endIndex] - countBuffer[startIndex]) and then uses that to produce the indirect buffer for dispatch/draw indirect calls. More...
class  SVO_downsampleValues_glc
class  SVO_fillBuffer_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_flagPopulatedChildren_glc
Requires BUFFER_WIDTH = width, BUFFER_WIDTH_MASK = width - 1 and BUFFER_WIDTH_SHIFT = log_2(width) to be passed, where width is a power of 2. More...
class  SVO_glsl
For use with G3D::Shader. More...
class  SVO_levelAllocToIndex_glc
Computes (countBuffer[endIndex] - countBuffer[startIndex]) and then uses that to produce the indirect buffer for dispatch/draw indirect calls. More...
class  SVO_normalizeValues_glc
class  SVO_renderRaycasting_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_renderRaycasting_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_sampling_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_traversal_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_updateLevelIndexBuffer_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_updateLevelSizeBuffer_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_util_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_visualizeFragments_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_visualizeFragments_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_visualizeNodes_geo
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_visualizeNodes_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_visualizeNodes_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_writeNeighborPointers_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  SVO_writeVoxelFragValues_glc
 Shader program. More...
class  TemporalFilter_apply_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Texture_copy_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Texture_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  Texture_minMaxMean_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  Texture_singleChannelDiff_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  textureFilter_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalMaterial_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalMaterial_sample_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalMaterial_shade_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalMaterial_writeToGBuffer_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_depthOnly_pix
Only used on OS X, as a null pixel shader More...
class  UniversalSurface_depthOnly_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_depthOnlyNonOpaque_pix
For depth only passes with both parallax mapping and alpha components More...
class  UniversalSurface_depthPeel_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_gbuffer_pix
This shader expects a prefix (GBuffer::macros() or SVO::macros()) to be attached at runtime using Shader::setPremable. More...
class  UniversalSurface_gbuffer_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_modulateBackground_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_modulateBackground_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_SVO_geo
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_SVO_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_SVO_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  UniversalSurface_vertex_glsl
Declares the input variables and provides a helper function transform() that computes the object-to-world space transformation and related vertex attributes. More...
class  UniversalSurface_vertexHelpers_glsl
Provides helper transformation functions for universal surface. More...
class  unlit_pix
Apply a color and texture. More...
class  unlit_vrt
Apply a color and texture. More...
class  VoxelSurface_depthOnly_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_depthOnly_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_depthPeel_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_depthPeel_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_gbuffer_pix
This shader expects a prefix (GBuffer::macros() or SVO::macros()) to be attached at runtime using Shader::setPremable. More...
class  VoxelSurface_gbuffer_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_pixel_glsl
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_render_pix
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_render_vrt
 Shader program. More...
class  VoxelSurface_vertex_glsl
 Shader program. More...

documentation generated on Wed Nov 24 2021 08:02:03 using doxygen 1.8.15